As part of a New Zealand Aid funded project supporting 8 small businesses in tourist locations, on the island of Santo, Vanuatu, I decided to save costs and create the graphic design work myself since I had access to the Adobe suite over there. With constant feedback from the 5 clients requiring road signs, I created all the artwork for print. It took three long months from when they were printed and having them shipped via cargo ship between islands to when we finally could have them erected outside each hotspot location.
The small business owners were so appreciative and excited after waiting so long from the initial conversation. There was a big celebration that followed each unveiling - and speeches. The national TV broadcasting service even came and did a story. Pictured are the signs for a crystal clear Blue Hole with two businesses attached shared by the family that owns the land there.
Work on this project was before I studied graphic design and developed my skills as an artist so there is a great deal I would change now, though the clients were beyond ecstatic with the work.
Million Dollar Point is a well renowned snorkelling spot with WWII history and relics underwater, and it’s positioning is quite far out of the township so a larger size frame was required for this one, with something eye catching. Leweton is a cultural tour where they create music with the movement of water, and while this is quite famous to Vanuatu already, we wanted the sign to represent more of the cultural experience than the water music itself. The director of tourism flew up from the capital, Port Vila, to unveil this one with us.
The support for these businesses grew into friendships, and I’m still in contact with many of them today.
My time in Vanuatu was a huge growth period personally, and professionally.
My time in Vanuatu was a huge growth period personally, and professionally.

Road side signage for Million Dollar Point, Santo, Vanuatu

Signage seen here with my Dept. of Tourism team and the client

Road side signage seen here with the Tourism team, rep. from NZ Volunteer Services Abroad, the clients and families

Jackie's Blue Hole, and Santo's Blue Hole Hangout Road Signs on the East Coast Road, Santo

Handshakes and Salu Salus (flower necklace kastom) with client (Pascal), and Tourism Manager (Ben) from Hideaway Paradise Beach Bungalows with Road signage seen behind, before unveiling

Leweton Cultural Experience Signage at the front of the venue, seen here with Director of Tourism Jerry Spooner, Dept. of Tourism team, and the clients (performers from the tour)

Flyers and Business Cards for Discovery Trails clients